Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thanksgving Day Live Worship Painting 2010


"Thank You". Acrylic on Canvas. 20"X48"

During a worship painting, thoughts leave me and I am able to dialogue freely with my Heavenly Father, having Him lead the colors, shapes, and brushstrokes.  This year it was an honor and privilege to paint to the amazing music of Ingrid Rosario during our Thanksgiving Day service.  She is such a powerful and anointed woman of God. 

Ingrid Rosario and me sharing moments of worship.

This painting began as a vision in my mind.  As I prayed throughout the days leading to Thanksgiving, I had a recurrent vision of a vertical painting where the main focus was a representation of  vivid and luminous colors offered up to God.  The painting that resulted depicts a strong sense of gratitude for the gifts that our Lord has placed in us. 

We are given gifts and talents according to the call that has been placed in our lives, whether they deal with song, dance, art, speech, faith, culinary skills, hospitality, writing, craftsmanship, theatre, maternity, or paternity to name only a few of the wide spectrum of gifts God gives us.

With this piece, I envisioned our hands placed together joined at the base of the palms as an offering of worship.  Hands outstretched, away from our bodies, holding up the thoughts of majestic gifts and talents that He has graciously granted us- yes for His Kingdom, of course- but also for our joy and pleasure. 

The highest form of worship, for me, is to offer up the gifts He gave me, right back to Him.  This the greatest "Thank You" that I can offer.  Therefore, I named this piece "Thank You".

As I glance back at it now, it reminds me of my daughter showing me her drawings- proudly and happily, her arms outstretched as far as they could possibly go, desiring the art to reach me more quickly than the rest of her could as she runs towards me. 

Live Painting:  Photographs of Live Painting by Lynda Carcache

The Sketches

The first sketch along with a scripture to express reverential Thanksgiving.  Romans 12:28  Therefore, we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful. and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.  That says so much!

Playing with the design to get a dynamic composition without compromising the message or the vision
 My prayer is that with each new piece what I see in my mind's eye and feel in my spirit is more clearly expressed and evident. I want more of Him and less of me depicted in the visual interpretations of His messages.

Be blessed!  Be inspired!

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