Monday, November 29, 2010

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when dreams come true, there is life and joy." Proverbs 13:12

This post is more for me than others.  Well, perhaps there are artists out there that have to put their dream on temporary stand-by for various reasons, too.  God has placed this dream in my heart.  It has taken its time to arrive to the point where it is now, where I am eager to paint on a regular basis, exhibit, attend conferences, in short, make it a full-time endeavor.

 I tell myself I understand that in order to be completely submerged in the process, the way that I am desiring to, I have to wait two years.  Why, you ask?  God has blessed us with two wonderful little girls.  They are quite young: two and three (in two years both with be in school throughout the day).  I have the honor and privilege of taking care of my angels while hubby works. 

But alas, my heart yearns to spend uninterrupted time with my paintings, among my peers, exploring, and well (if there are full time parents out there- you will relate with this one- pondering a thought.)  Yes, a full time mommy/daddy/caregiver job doesn't include 'thought pondering' as a perk.  I thank God so much for time here and again and for bursts of inspirations among limited time frames.  

I know there is a season for all things.  I know God has a perfect plan and is equipping me in just the way He needs to.  I KNOW it is a HUGE blessing to afford the luxury of spending time with my beautiful daughters throughout the day.  It has been difficult to put myself on stand-by, however.  I feel as though me (as an artist, and as an individual entity has been on hold for some time now).  I don't feel guilty saying it because I have heard so many stay-at-home parents that feel the same way.  It doesn't take away from the privilege of spending time with my kids.  It's just the reality of having dreams, well, dreams deferred.  I have heard this one time and again, and it brings me solace because I know that in its time all things will flourish and line up the way God intended.  I know there is a perfect plan.  I am thankful to God and ponder this projection into our future:

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when dreams come true, there is life and joy." Proverbs 13:12

My heart is not sick, but is aching for time- time to create, time to explore, time for the artist in me to grow! 

Be blessed! Be inspired!

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