Thursday, February 3, 2011

I highly recommend Dr. Gary Smalley's, "Change Your Heart, Change Your Life"

I attended a two day seminar at my church with invited speakers, Dr. Gary Smalley and Steven K. Scott. These speakers covered topics pertaining to us as individuals, our relationships, perspectives on life, success, and of course our relationship with God (this was the premise of the aforementioned topics and directly integrated within each).  If these speakers are anywhere near your area, I recommend that you go.  The insight is really profound, yet simple.  What a great paradox!  It's the way God is, really:  Profound yet simple!

 It is at that seminar where I purchased Dr. Gary Smalley's, "Change Your Heart, Change Your Life".  What a great principle.

Essentially this book is based on the what the Bible says regarding our every action and word stemming from what is in our hearts “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he is". Proverbs 23:7  [The heart, here, signifies the innermost subconscious mind- where our thoughts dictate our actions.]   The primary message in this book is for us to look closely at our responses to different things in life and re-align them to how God recommends that we respond. 

If we feel that our responses are not Godly, beneficial, nor productive, whether they be internal thoughts or emotions, or actions we take, we should study and re-evaluate the belief systems behind them, and finally substitute those beliefs with specific scriptures.  There are any number of events that have created our belief systems: our upbringing, society, a traumatic experience, deficiency in positive emotions through our lives, etc.

It is an enjoyable and unpretentious read.  It is entertaining and fluid, and comes from an author who quickly points out his own deficiencies to show how life altering the principle of hiding key scriptures into his heart has been in positively transforming his life for the better. 

This book delves into various topics and gives numerous beneficial insights that help to create new perspectives to facilitate our becoming more like God; and live joyful, free, and uncomplicated lives. 

What I enjoyed about this book the most was the conversational tone that Dr. Smalley carries throughout.  I felt as though I was conversing with a wise counselor teaching me the "secret" to overcoming stress, hurt, anger, rage, anxiety, unfulfilled expectations, and so much more.

I have already applied some of the principals and have seen a huge difference in my shift in perspective.  I see where I need to concentrate on God's Word to carve out some beliefs that have had me ramming into walls in the past, and am already on my way to doing so.  The principals contained in the book are all Biblical, but are organized in a way that makes perfect sense and are very simple to apply.

There is a place in the back of each Chapter with scriptures that pertain to the chapter's topic, as well as, Scriptures organized by topic in the appendix.

You can click on the link to Amazon if you'd like to read others' reviews and see if this might be a book that you would enjoy reading.

Be blessed!  Be inspired!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such an positive influence on me and where I am right now. I read your blogs and your insight is so God inspired. I quickly look up the scriputres you talk about and use them thru out the days of that week. I can't wait to read the book. Love you to pieces...Pammie